Sabah Borneo inidividual - Individual & Private Tours

Sabah - 100% Nature

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Pulau Tiga - Surivivor Island

  • 2 Days
  • Rate on Request

The islands Pulau Tiga, Pulau Kalampunian Besar, and Pulau Kalampunian are part of the Pulau Tiga National Park (1978). The uninhabited islands can be explored along several nature trails and you can visit the neighboring Snake Island. This tour is a group tour (SIC).

Trus Madi Climb

  • 2 Days
  • Rate on Request

Standing at 2,642 meters (8,668 feet) tall, Mount Trus Madi is the second highest mountain in Sabah and Malaysia after Mount Kinabalu. However, it is said to offer a tougher challenge to its climbers compared to Mount Kinabalu. The climb includes a night at a small mountain hut before you reach the summit on the next morning.

Sandakan Safari

  • 3 Days
  • $ 765
  • 730

See the Bornean wildlife in Sandakan. Start out the trip with a visit to the Turtle islands. Sea turtles come to the beach of the tiny islands north of Borneo to lay their eggs at the beach (May - October). Visit the Sepilok Oran-Utans Rehabilitation Centre bevor you explore the Lower Kinabatangan River Sanctuary to search for proboscis monkeys and Bornean Elephants.

Kinabalu Summit Climb

  • 3 Days
  • $ 918
  • 875

Start out to an adventurous trip to the summit of Sabah's highest mountain. First visit the Kinabalu National Park and the Mountain Gardens. The trip up Mount Kinabalu will take 2 days and requires a lot of fitness. Walk through rainforests and follow rocky trails and steps up to the summit. See endemic pitcher plants and beautiful vistas on your way.

Turtle Islands & Orang-Utans

  • 3 Days
  • $ 608
  • 580

Many endangered animal species live in the north of Borneo. This trip combines a visit to the Turtle Islands National Park just off the coast and the Sepilok Orang-Utan rehabilitation Centre near Sandakan. Every year sea turtles come to the beach of Selingan island to lay their eggs in the sand (July – October). You can see the work of the protection project during a guided night walk. Back on the mainland you will see the orang-utans at the feeding platform in Sepilok.

Tabin Wildlife Reserve

  • 3 Days
  • $ 1,049
  • 1.000

Tabin Wildlife reserve is an protected area of dipterocarp rainforest in the eastern part of the Malaysian State of Sabah. The biotope is a home to endangered species like the Bornean Elefant (Elephas maximus borneensis) and the Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). Many endemic bird species an smaller mammals can be found in the reserve. Tabin Lodge is the perfect base for daytrips into the reserve. Explore the rainforst along one of the many trails surrounding the lodge.

Borneo Rainforest Lodge at Danum Valley

  • 3 Days
  • $ 1,777
  • 1.695

The Borneo Rainforest Lodge is your starting point to explore the Danum Valley Conservation Area. It is one of the most diverse regions of the world with over 200 species of trees. The lowland rainforest consits not only of up to 50m tall trees but also beautiful orchids, lianas, ferns and other plants. Over 290 documented animal species live in the forest. Danum valley is an important sanctuary for them all.

Gaya Island Resort

  • 3 Days
  • $ 294
  • 280

The Gaya Island Resort is located near Kota Kinabalu in the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park. The marine reserve is not only a retreat for endangered marine wildlife but also for traveller who are looking for peace and quiet. It is possible to explore the park and its reefs and mangroves or just relax at the beach or the spa.

Lankayan Island Dive Resort

  • 4 Days
  • $ 909
  • 867

Lankayan Island Dive Resort lies just off the coast oft Borneo. The small island is part of the Turtle Islands of Borneo. From June until September Sea Turtles lay their eggs at the beach and guests may see new hatchlings of baby turtles released to the sea. In recent years Lankayan Island has become a diving hot spot. Many dive spots are just a short boat ride away and offer fascinating experiences. Peaceful Whale Sharks are spotted during the season from March to May.

Wildlife at Lipad Mud Volcano

  • 4 Days
  • $ 1,347
  • 1.285

The Tabin Wildlife Reserve is an important sanctuary in the eastern part of Sabah. Rare species like the Bornean elephant and clouded leopard live in the protected area. You will visit the Lipad mud volcano for an overnight trip during the program. The mud volcanos of Tabin are often frequented by the local wildlife. You will observe the activity at the clearing from an elevated platform.

Sabah - Land below the Wind

  • 8 Days
  • Rate on Request

The Malaysian State of Sabah calls to nature lovers. During zhe round trip you will visit the mountains garden on the foothills of famous Mount Kinabalu. See some of the endangered orang-utans at Sepilok and how they are trained to return to their natural habitat. You will also travel across the Sulu Sea to the Turtle Islands north of Sandakan and upriver to the Lower Kinabatangan River Sanctuary.

Sabah - From Coast to Coast

  • 9 Days
  • $ 2,857
  • 2.725

Travel the north of Borneo from Kota Kinabalu to Lahad Datu. Start your exporation of Sabah at Kinabalu National Park and visit the mountain garden at the park HQ. Travel overland to Sandakan. There you will visit the Sepilok Orang-Utan Rehabilitation Centre and the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve. Another highlight is the boat trip on Kinabatangan River to see proboscis monkeys, wild orangutan or pygmy elephants.

Natural Borneo

  • 11 Days
  • Rate on Request

Start your Borneo journey in the State of Sabah. The visit to Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park is a real treat for beach lovers and sun worshipers. Stay at one of the small islands right of Kota Kinabalu. You will also visit Kinabalu National Park, which is part of the world's nature heritage. Next stop are the giant caves at Mulu National Park. See the fruit bats on their way to hunt and the underground streams. Last but not least visit Kuching City the capital of Sarawak. The destination is a highlight for every wildlife enthusiast. Size an opportunity to see orangutans and proboscis monkeys in their natural habitat.